Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Introduction to:
The Kindly Kross-roads

Spaceship 511 lands on the grassy sweet smelling landscape.  A story of Kross-roads decision hides in the mansion.

You might have seen the young man clipping the oleander bush, keeping the punchy limbs in front of him, determined that Mrs. Nosey would pass on by.  She glanced in his direction, headed his way.  He put his clippers in his tool sack, taking two steps on his way.  He stopped. This time he would not let her anger him into shouting. That police incident was over, he would stand his ground.

She was talking before she reached his part of the sidewalk. Her gleeful smirk traveled the street telling the catastrophe of Mr. Big Shot’s daughter’s wedding ruined because the orchestra had cancelled.  Tim didn’t bother saying good-bye or changing his sweat soaked shirt.  He and his struggling Five Spot group were on the way to a gig that started his career. 

Spaceship 511 swoops down again.  That kid wearing raggedy jeans, torn sweatshirt, has been “riding the rails,” running from home for a week.   The freight cars slowed down for the small town, the engineer not stopping here.  The kid licked his mouth, his water bottle had been empty all night.  The speed began picking up, too fast, now or not.  He jumped.  This jump, a Kross-roads decision, would lead to a Life and Love in the small town. 

Maybe the Kross-roads decision isn’t obvious.  A choice happens because of a newspaper article, a radio announcer talking your subject, a high school teacher’s encouragement years back that led you down your special road.

When we look back, the Kross-roads stand out in solid red and black.  How could we have done otherwise?  At the time we sweated over a decision.  Or it was as casual and offhand as “Sure, I’ll call in sick and we’ll go to the ballgame.  Can’t let your free tickets go to waste.”

Where were your Kross-roads?  What were the choices you made that led to an unexpected, unexplored part of your life?

Spaceship 511 will land in many backyards, reporting the stories of choices.

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